Thursday, December 10, 2009

Days of Discovery

Been around to the library to try some new fitness videos. The lastest Frontside by Jillian Michaels and Balance Ball by Gaiam. Tried each one of them once so far, both look like really good workouts. I prefer the balance ball one so I may have to see if I can buy it on the internet. Not sure it's that effective. It is for beginners but I guess I'm in a little not much better shape than a beginner. The balance ball one is really fun though. Have an appt next week to go see if anything can be done about my thyroid now that I've been eating way more veggies (yay, huh) and exercising I don't want to keep letting my efforts to lose weight not make any difference so off to the doctor I go.
Have a good day everyone.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wandering and finding

Opal and I were in Zellers not too long ago and what did we find? Body fat analyzer so Opal took it up to the scanner and yep it said 50 cents so being the usual splurger I am I bought it. Took it home and found out not good. Bad shape. So embarassing I won't even tell you what it was but the good news is I found I'm down .4% body fat than awhile ago.
Still trying to find the best exercise for me, I like deep water aquasize the best but I hate going out in the cold to go do it. Yes, I know excuses, excuses especially after just reading an article that said passive people need to a force to get them motivated. ouch! sounds too much like me.
Oh well the fight goes on. at least I don't have to be in the malls right now, got my shopping done 4 months ago.
Have a good Christmas.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Technology yay arrgh!

Well as of this last post my computer has now fried. So I'm not quite sure when I'll get back to my blog.
But of course I'm sure there's a computer right around the corner.
Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Re:good news

Yep, I received some really really good news yesterday. I'm also back down 2 pounds. (Hopefully this time it stays off!!) It's interesting how you wait for something for so long you begin to doubt it will ever come and then God throws you a new way of doing things. Awesome, I had originally thought there was only one way to get my goal done and there comes a man of God to tell me I can think outside the box I just put myself in.
On that note I should probably get myself out to exercise and leave the box I put my body in (namely my house.)
Have a good evening and don't give up hope.
That's all for now.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meanderings and wanderings

Hey, long time no blog. Wow I can't believe it's been so long. Yes, well the battle to lose weight still goes on, again lost inches but no weight. Looking back over the goals and realized I'm not quite where I thought I'd be when I first started this blog.
Good news, learning how to cook (yay!) and inviting people over for supper. I also invited a friend out for tea, at the new place I love to hang out.
Did manage to go for 4 walks in the past 7 days but bowed out the last 2, maybe even today for I'm on a mission to do something good for someone today, therefore I'm volunteering my time tonight.
Guess life isn't as bad as it could be. Actually it's not that bad at all.
Thank you God that I've been able to do little things rather than nothing at all.
Here's to a good winter and whatever else God's got up his sleeve.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wow little but much

Well, I'd like to say I reached all my goals but I haven't. But I'm definitely not discouraged because I've been learning so much stuff about myself and God and what God wants for me. It's really interesting that I discovered just how much I resented God only to discover I was the one holding the power to change my destiny. God is such a good God, to let me have free will. So having learned this lesson which I know will be valuable for the next set of lessons. Please know you do have the power to change, do not let the enemy tell you otherwise. Interesting how little thoughts can make or break a destiny, knowing this I can now go forward and not look back. Amen.
Have a great day changing your destiny, I know I will.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Re: I need help

I had most wonderful experience in Toronto, not. I convinced a friend of mine to go for a walk which was good only to have her not listen to me when I wanted to turn around, instead we end up hiking up an extremely huge and steep hill only to have me barely and I mean barely make it up the hill. This really means I am so out of shape. Because of this I'm now doing Pilates. It was extremely embarassing, I mean I've been exercising, and since the heart scare now trying to eat better but still playing around. I guess time for fooling around is now totally over. I'm lucky I didn't have a heart attack. Good news, at least I wasn't stiff after, just felt like throwing up.
To all who are out of shape, get in shape sooner than later, I had been warned and wasn't listening.
I pray you will listen to advice and not just ignore it like some out of shape person did in Toronto this past week.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

what to do, what to do

Well, I'm off to Toronto for a week. Don't know how much exercise I'll get but hopefully I'll get some walking in. I hope to take a few pics. I heard a good quote today, it goes something like we have the freedom not to let what others say about us affect us. Good quote.
I'll use that somewhere down the line.
Other than that, still reading the book Never Say Diet, I admit I'm not on the eating program yet but slowly I'll get there.
Have a great day. Still wish it was raining more but I'll work with what I got. Broke out the cable gym and worked out, now a few days behind so I got to get my bum in gear. Thank God each day is new with new mercies.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

re:shopping is great for the thighs

I heard a quote recently that shopping is good exercise. So on that note, my friend Opal and I went on about a 2 hour excursion today. First we dropped off some used books at the bfm store and looked around, then we went to Sally Ann and looked around, then we went to Kasner Auctions and looked around, then we went to the drugstore and my favorite mall. We didn't accomplish much except get rid of some books, and the modem I've been meaning to return since February (Opal laughed after she found out I returned the box without the modem inside two months ago. Oops.)
But a good time was had by me and her.
Which is surprising because I actually hate shopping (well, unless I have money then it's different)
But we got in our walk which of course was the most important of all.
Now if I can only convince myself to do this every weekend. LOL.
Yay for the rain, it means I can walk indoors.
Try to take advantage of every opportunity to move, even just a little adds up.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Re:something's got to give

Thinking back over the past month, I can't say I'm totally happy but I did lose 2 inches off my waist. No pounds though. But an interesting thought came to me about a week ago. Sometimes I'm too shy to go out in public and exercise so why not do it at home? I know some people think wow she's finally cluing in but I kept thinking I should be outside exercising and that thought made me feel apprehensive not that I can't but some ignorant people can't seem to just go by without making some kind of stupid comment. It really made me free when I realized although I may be wasting the summer working out inside but if I do it now I won't be going through this battle next year.
So 2 inches, yayhoo!!!
Have a great day.
Thought for the day. Better to do a little and not feel guilty over doing nothing.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Well, I just managed to go for a half hour walk today. It's been one of those weeks. A friend of mine just died from a brain tumor, I was so stressed out I drank almost 2 liters of pop since Thursday. (which sucks because I'm trying to stay away from that stuff.)
But I read somewhere we can't let little disappointments get us down. We can only choose to start over again and learn from the experience.
I read an interesting book-it's by Bob Harper of the Biggest Loser. He says to focus on something good about ourselves when we think about something we don't like about ourselves. He said that's how he helped some of his clients change their thinking.
Sounds good. I also read an article by a man who said to replace your excuses for things with the letter I in front. So I can now say I chose to do something like I chose to eat the cheesecake. By this I take responsibility for the actions concerning my behaviour and I can choose to change it.
Anyway, hope everybody's having a good day.

Monday, May 18, 2009

re:yet another attempt

Well, I finally have some of my heart's desires fulfilled.One being I started singing lessons 2 Mondays ago, not happy I'm a soprano, but I guess that's the way God made me. The second thing is I finally found someone to go to aquasize with, my friend Sue did not want to go to aquasize. Anyhow, this new person is into deep water aquasize and I told her I'm short so she said there were life jacket. And I'm thinking this ought to be interesting....
I did manage to save 200 hundred dollars towards my goal of having 400 dollars saved this year but we'll see what I ended up spending it on. I do need a new vacuum and of course a bed would be nice.
We'll see how it goes.
Hope everybody ought will be encouraged to keep trying exercises till they find the one their bodies actually enjoy, for me it it mostly likely aquasize because I find it the most fun and I feel so light when I'm in the water.
Have a good day

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well that was short lived. I managed to make it 7 times within one month. Pretty proud of it. But then life got in the way. I was asked to rake a lawn in which I then ended up with back pain and had to back out of that and back out of curves, well I didn't really try to back out of Curves but after the way the week went it just seemed too hard to keep up. But I did get a revelation on how truly out of shape I am, I mean not even being able to rake a yard should probably tell me something.
So now I have to do things the old fashioned way, went with Opal to the mall yesterday and walked around the mall for about 15 minutes, then I came home and walked 30 min. on the treadmill.
Today I was over at Mom's and got another 30 min. walk in, this time outdoors.
Still looking for a partner to workout at the city rec centers, I'll update you as to how that goes.
Anyway, wasn't a total downer, did manage to get in 2 walks so far this weekend.
Hoped people liked seeing the few posts of jewellery, etc. I put up on the previous post.
Take Care.

Just for fun

Here is some recent pics of things I worked on in the past few months. Just a few. The book however is already 2 years old as of October.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

re:when does it become a habit?

So I'm proud to say that I managed so far in the month of April to make it to curves 3 times a week for the last 2 and a half weeks. Sure sweated up a lot, unfortunately I don't think I've lost too much weight or inches.
But I did manage to go to H&W and get 30 dollars worth of fruits and veggies. Definitely a lot better prices for fruits and veggies.
I'm also starting a community garden either myself or with my friend M. Don't know all the details yet.
So we'll see in another 5 workouts if I've lost any inches and if the effort was worth it. Someone told me it can't just be exercise which is true because before when I'd exercise because I wasn't eating right it seemed kind of useless and I'd give up.
Now it's going to be hard eating veggies fruit I have no issues with. I even tried something called Koala Berries yesterday. Not too bad.
See ya later

Friday, April 17, 2009

Humble Beginnings

Well, I've made it to 3 workouts at Curves so far and will be going tomorrow morning as well. It's so different from when I signed up four years ago, I must have really changed. It feels like the women who run the place are so encouraging. I guess I really needed that. I thought I could be my own encouragement coach sometimes I do okay with it and sometimes not so good.
My weight hasn't dropped but I now have almost a piece of a waist, it's pretty funny. My body is reshaping itself somehow if only it would drop the weight I'd be a real happy camper.
But it says in the bible even if you don't understand things you shouldn't quit and give up.
So that's my word for the day, even if you don't understand don't quit and give up.
Have a good day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

well do I or not?

Yep, it' s me.
I decided to phone up curves today and book an appointment. It's going to really cut into my budget but I guess if it gets me in shape it's worth it. I go Wednesday. The funny thing is I went to Curves 4 years ago and I guess I didn't really have much of a commitment, it seemed every time I wanted to go they were closed or I couldn't seem to make any friends.
Not sure if it will be different now, I mean I could still try to do it the old fashioned way but at this point it's looking like I need some support, I've been trying the weight loss thing by myself and pretty well getting nowhere.
Most of my friends aren't interested in working out not that I can blame them, but I need some help.
So maybe the second time around will be better than the first.
Here goes something... or so I hope
Have a good day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Funny how things work

I know I haven't been updating this profile lately. On March 17th I had some really bad chest pains, I think it was a heart attack, of course being myself I decided it wasn't that serious. Bad mistake! So now I need to smarten up. I realize that I was taking advantage of the system, by thinking just because my blood pressure was low and my cholesterol was low there shouldn't be any issues.
On the day before my birthday, I had eaten 3 boxes of cream puffs, and chips and dip and probably a whole case of pop and I did have really bad heartburn that day, which should probably have been a warning sign.
Anyway, because I have to take it easy until I see my quack on Wednesday I am going slow but I'm still walking. Learning a lot of about heart disease, etc.
I'm not telling you this stuff to scare you, just to consider how you're treating your body right now. The goal still is to lose 30 pounds this year, but even important now.
Take it easy

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Win some, lose some

Hi there. Yes, I admit it, Sue and I did make it to the gym twice a week for about 4 weeks. Then I ended up with a cold and begged off.
So back to the starting line again. Good news, I don't weigh more than when I started
Bad news, starting from scratch.
I was looking over the previous posts and I realized if I stick to what I started. Iwill not doubt finish it.
thought for the day, win some lose some but don't give up.
Have a good week everybody.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Beginnings

Me, being spiritual and all, went to the volunteer appreciation party last night for one of the ministries of the church. Being there, I was given a prophecy that I was going to start living different. I guess one of the ways is learning how to cook on a budget. One of my best friends showed me how she plans her meals on a calendar so she knows what to shop for instead of just wandering in the store trying to figure it out from there. It's going to be interesting. So far I haven't kept real good to the schedule but the great thing about it is it's flexible so the days and meals can be changed around.
Also too starting to look for no name brand name stuff,not that I didn't before. But I wasn't as aware of it before.

A tip-every time you go to the grocery store or say zellers pick yourself up a 10 gift card, that way at the end of the year you will be able to have something for presents or be able to shop for presents. I had read that tip in a magazine about a year and a half ago and it's awesome.

Take care

So far the resolution I'm making for the new year, is to actually go workout with Sue. I'm going to aim for twice a week.

Have a Happy New Year
