Sunday, December 12, 2010


Well it`s another round of winter. and yes I feel like it`s bah humbug only for the cold weather. I found me an interesting read so off it will go to some of my friends for Christmas. As for starting points, I have managed to drop over 34 pounds took awhile, maybe I can pull off another 30 in 2011, and move somewhere warmer, where I actually look forward to going outside.... As for the other goals, yes I now know how to cook, sort of all along but with not much money coming in it`s amazing what I can do with cream of mushroom soup. French is slow going, the 10 songs is slow going. otherwise the rest seems not too bad. I might even get in my fav Christmas tradition-watching the grinch who stole Christmas. Felice Navidad

Friday, November 5, 2010

re update

Actually don`t know where to begin. «have not had a computer for almost a year. did lose some weight, currently 197 now. «just trying to adjust to newer technology and the like. hit and miss some days but seems to be evening out now.<
«hopefully get back to regular contact with the human world now. <

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Re:broken toes

Not doing too well with the fitness right now. I broke my toes back on July 21st. I can feel them starting to heal but can't really do the activities I'd like to right now.
Hope you're doing better than me.
Take Care.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Go God

I just returned from a family reunion last weekend. It was so much fun, the good news was I didn't gain any weight while I was gone. The bad news didn't lose any. I worked quite a bit in the kitchen so maybe that's what kept me from gaining the weight. since I came back, went for two walks around the neighborhood. My goal was supposed to be to lose 2 dress sizes by this fall but so far nada. I'll keep going.
Talk to you soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Well, after finally getting off the medication I'd be on for over 9 years I'm happy to say that I have lost 14 pounds. Plus it helps when you can't afford to buy junk. I quit drinking pop awhile ago and once in awhile I go back only to find I'm super thirsty after so it's really not worth it.
Saw a friend from Vancouver who I hadn't seen in 3 years we went and walked around Kingsway Mall for about a half hour. Awesome.
Also update I can fit into my blue jeans I haven't been able to wear for 2 and a half years.
My goal is to drop 2 dress sizes hopefully by the end of October.
Kudos to my best friend whose dropped 3 dress sizes since February.
Kudos to her husband whose lost 50 pounds since last summer.
On that note, I think I will go grab a glass of water.
Take care

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Re:you gotta start somewhere

Yep, I'm back. Interesting thing. I now have job in recreation. Yep, my time at the church is now finished. Whoo hoo (yes, I know people don't say that anymore.) It's going to be quite interesting to see how this one turns out. I hope for my betterment and possibly others as well.
Not nice enough to go for my walks right now. I did manage to get in a few last week before the storm.
But I guess that's what God invented exercise gyms for.
Anyway, talk at you later

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Re:sometimes you just gotta try

Well, my friend finally convinced me to go to the gym after a almost 2 year hiatus. And I was quite surprised, the one I went to actually had I'm not kidding, real nice exercise bikes. The ones where I can actually fit on. The only problem is they are at such an angle I have to keep sitting up tall to keep peddling, but way better than any other ones I've seen. Yay to be my best friend for helping me get up the courage to go.
In other news, wow what a week!! Seems like everywhere I turned around something was happening to somebody, a house fire, an attempted suicide, a teenager pregnant, a teenager walking away from her family's religion, a class instructor collapsed, and these are all people I know personally, God bless them.
Have a great day everybody.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Re:Update about new fitness video

Hey the video is awesome. It's called Praise Moves by Laurette Willis. Some of the stretches are no kidding real stretches. It's a lot better than the previous stretching workout I'd been doing. What's really interesting is in her video she gives you scriptures to meditate on so you can keep your mind filled with the great things of God. I bought it last Thursday and I've already used it 3 times now someone at church would like to borrow it so tomorrow I won't have it (oh!)
So if you want a good stretching workout this is the video.
Have a great day.
P.S. I'll update my current battle with the diet that apparently is an urban myth. But tastes good nonetheless.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oh yes I did it again

I decided I must try the new workout video inspired by the talk at church. Now that I'm down 8 pounds (did someone say yay!) I guess I'll give it a go.
Speaking of which when I was at my money and me workshop last night the instructor had me write what was keeping me from having the financial freedom I need. And I realized NOTHING. I just let some poopy thinking come in to cloud my judgment. Now this cloudiness has been going on for years but I guess I just finally saw through the clouds to the sunshine. Plus it helps when you realize you don't have to be responsible for everybody else's stress. Thanks to my friend Brenda and her friend Lin I see I do a lot of things out of obligation therefore stress therefore crappy eating choices and not exercising.
Let's see what kind of hero is in the exercise video.
Yay you can
All for now and all for God

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Overcoming little by little

You know how you're just going through life and then someone comes along and it hits you. The thing they have that you've been missing. Well, I finally found another clue thanks to my great friend Diane. You're probably wondering about the clue. I've been trying to decide how to decipher the clue as the clue has helped some people like Diane and it's also had its share of critics.
However I also read in the Book Fit for Life that most diets work for everybody and that once they go off them then they have the problem because it's the doing the real life thing after the diet that gets the pounds back on.
I think that anything in the world is possible yes even me losing more weight than gaining it back but it depends on the thoughts you think. If it's attainable, then it is, if it's not, then it's not.
So I will work with this clue, it's definitely attainable, but the point will be is my attitude enough to work with it.
Sorry for the meandering.
Have a great day. Looking forward to sleeping in on the weekend

Friday, January 8, 2010


As a late Christmas present, my Grandma from Saskatchewan sent me a pan of fudge. Because I have not ate her fudge in at least 8 years, I thought it would be a great treat. And yes I ate the whole pan and yes it only took 3 days, surprising though, I'm already back to the weight I was before I even ate the fudge. So what gives? Still doing the food log and exercise log but I don't really see too many patterns yet. I'm not doing the mood thing in the log, maybe that would make the difference?????
Something to consider. Thank you Grandma for the awesome fudge.
Yours truly,