Well, I just managed to go for a half hour walk today. It's been one of those weeks. A friend of mine just died from a brain tumor, I was so stressed out I drank almost 2 liters of pop since Thursday. (which sucks because I'm trying to stay away from that stuff.)
But I read somewhere we can't let little disappointments get us down. We can only choose to start over again and learn from the experience.
I read an interesting book-it's by Bob Harper of the Biggest Loser. He says to focus on something good about ourselves when we think about something we don't like about ourselves. He said that's how he helped some of his clients change their thinking.
Sounds good. I also read an article by a man who said to replace your excuses for things with the letter I in front. So I can now say I chose to do something like I chose to eat the cheesecake. By this I take responsibility for the actions concerning my behaviour and I can choose to change it.
Anyway, hope everybody's having a good day.
Five on Friday: Awakening My Five Senses
1 day ago